French lavender is in bloom at the entrance of a cafe that has been renovated from an old folk house. The lovely flower ears that reminds me of a bunny girl’s ears are impressive. The flower ears are arranged in a ball shape, giving a gentle atmosphere overall. Compared to English lavender, the scent is slightly reduced, but it emits a sweet scent, and the scent of coffee flowing from the store blends well and invites me to the store naturally.
古民家を改装したカフェの入り口にフレンチラベンダーが咲いています。バニーガールの耳を想わせる愛らしい花穂が印象的です。花穂はボール状にまとまり、全体的に優しい雰囲気が漂っています。 イングリッシュラベンダーと比べると、香りはやや落ちますが、甘い香りを放ち、店先から流れてくるコーヒーの香りがうまく溶け合って、自ずとお店に誘います。