The word ‘inbound’ is currently very popular. ‘Inbound’ refers to the travel of foreign visitors to a country. In particular, in Japan, ‘inbound’ means ‘foreign tourists coming to Japan.’ According to a preliminary report from the Japan National Tourism Organization, the amount spent by inbound visitors in Japan from July to September this year reached a preliminary total of 1.39 trillion yen. The highest amount spent in a three-month period prior to this was 1.27 tr illion yen in April to June 2019, before the COVID-19 pandemic, and this has now been surpassed, reaching a new record high. This is attributed to the rapid recovery in the number of foreign visitors to Japan and the recent weakening of the yen.
Japan was ranked as the number one country to visit in a survey by a major American travel agency. The reasons for choosing Japan were cited as ‘unique cultural experiences’ (22.6%), ‘traditional cuisine’ (18.5%), and ‘abundance of tourist attractions’ (14.4%).
However, the current number of inbound visitors is just under 14 million, still 6 million short of the goal of 20 million. It remains to be seen whether this goal can be achieved in the next two months. I recall that before the COVID-19 pandemic, Japan had around 50 million inbound visitors and was aiming for 60 million.