“Kyoto Gozan no Okuribi” will be held today. It’s been a hot and humid season with heavy rain these days, but the temperature in the morning and evening has dropped, and the wind that blows has begun to show signs of autumn. This okuribi, which is ignited in the order of Capital letter, Myoho, Boat shape, Left capital letter, and Torii shape every 5 minutes from 8 o’clock in the evening, means that the spirits of the ancestors who returned in Obon will be sent back to the Netherworld. This year, when the end of the corona disaster cannot be foreseen, it is said that the number of ignition points will be significantly reduced in each mountain so that spectators will not be crowded. It is said that this event became widespread after the Middle Ages and the Muromachi period, when Buddhism was deeply ingrained among the common people. The capital letters are located so that you can see them from anywhere in the city center, but for the Ashikaga family to have the best view-they are designed to reflect to the pond of the Kyoto Imperial Palace with Ichijo-dori in front. Last night, also in Nara, “Capital Sending Fire” was held at Takamadoyama in Tobihino, the precincts of Kasuga Taisha Shrine, and could be seen from various places in Nara City, such as the Heijo Palace site and the Ukimido in Nara Park. I feel a little bit lonely through in the being gone away summer.
「京都五山送り火」が今日開催されます。このところの大雨とまだまだ蒸し暑い季節ですが、朝夕の気温もめっきり下がり、吹く風にも秋の気配が感じらるようになりました。夜の8時から5分間隔で大文字・妙法・船形・左大文字・鳥居形の順に点火されるこの送り火には、盆に戻ってきた先祖の精霊が再び冥府に帰るのを送るという意味があります。コロナ禍の収束が見通せない今年は、見物客が密集しないよう各山とも点火箇所を大幅に減らして実施されるそうです。この行事が一般に広く行われるようになったのは、仏教が庶民の間に深く浸透した中世から室町時代以降であるといわれています。大文字は市内中心部のどこからでも眺望できる位置ですが、足利家が最も眺めのよいように―条通を正面にし、京都御所の池泉にうつるように工夫されています。昨夜は、奈良でも「大文字送り火」が春日大社境内 飛火野の高円山で執り行われ、平城宮跡や奈良公園の浮見堂など、奈良市内の様々な場所からも見ることができました。去り行く夏に一抹の寂しさがよぎります。