Along with iwashi (sardines) and saba (mackerel), aji (horse mackerel) is one of the blue-backed fish that is effective in preventing lifestyle-related diseases. In particular, the protein content of aji is more than 20% and the fat content is low, so the taste of aji is the taste of protein. Aji in the waters near Japan is called ma-aji, but ma-aji can be broadly divided into “coast-set aji” and “open-sea aji”. Biologically, they are the same species, and in particular, the “coast-set aji” is also called “yellow aji”. Its back and fins are tinged with yellow. Because the catch is small, it is caught by pole-and-line fishing and is branded as a luxury fish. The aji in the photo is a yellow aji called “shima aji”, and it is said that it came to be described as “island aji” because it is often caught around the seven islands of Izu. This shima aji is extremely rare, and even today with the advancement of aquaculture technology, the catch is only about 1/50 of that of the Japanese horse mackerel.