When I was a child, every spring the sukanpo would sprout up beside the Jizo statues that were enshrined throughout the town. When I picked and chewed on the skanpo, it would make my body shiver with its sour taste. After that, I would fold two or three of them and offer them to Jizo, and then go back home. Sukanpo is actually formally known as “itadori,” but I didn’t know that until recently. Itadori is a plant that has been familiar to Japanese people since ancient times, to the point that it was described as “tajinohana” (late blooming flower) in the Nihon Shoki (Chronicles of Japan) because it blooms from summer to autumn. It has been used as a folk remedy for stopping bleeding, and its young stems have been used for pickling and tempura. However, it was introduced to the UK and US for erosion control and gardening, and its strong vitality caused it to spread and gradually displace native species in the surrounding areas. It has become a notorious invasive species, capable of breaking through stone walls and concrete with its underground stems, pushing up train tracks, and destroying levees.