Rice sprouts, which has just finished planting rice, look like weak. It manages to endure the chilly breeze and is shaking. In exchange for that, Kakitsubata, which blooms on the water’s edge, is in full bloom now. That hot and hot summer is coming soon. I am grateful for the happiness that I have been able to spend a moment while gazing at this idyllic landscape. However, when I look around the domestic and the world, there are so many heart-wrenching events that the happiness of a moment is lost. The words of Roman historian Kurchuus Roofs, “History repeats itself,” (what happened in the past, in the same way, repeats in later times) also crosses the head with truth.
田植えを終えたばかりの早苗は危うげです。肌寒い微風にもやっと耐えて揺らいでいます。それに引き替え、水辺に咲く杜若は今を盛りにしっかりと咲いています。もうすぐ、あの暑い暑い夏がやってきます。それまでのほんのひと時、こののどかな風景を眺めながら過ごせる幸せに感謝です。しかし、世の中を、そして世界を見渡した時、あまりにも心痛む出来事が多くて、ひと時の幸せもすっ飛んでしまいます。ローマの歴史家クルチュウス・ルーフスの言葉「歴史は繰り返す」(過去に起こったことは、同じようにして、その後の時代にも繰り返し起こる) がまた、真実味を帯びて頭をよぎります。