There are signs of autumn everywhere, but it’s still a summer day. The Japanese garden in one corner of the park has a waterway that flows coolly. Beside it, Murasakishikibu (purple berries) are swaying as if to match the murmur of a small stream. The origin of the name Murasakishikibu is from the Heian period female writer Murasakishikibu, but it was originally “Murasakikishimi”, which seems to have changed to “Murasakishikibu”. As the scientific name “Callicarpa japonica” and the English name “Japanese beautyberry” indicate, the Murasakishikibu is native to Japan, and both praise the neat beauty of the purple fruit.
至る所に秋の気配は漂ってきましたが、相変わらずの夏日です。公園の一角にある日本庭園には水路があり、涼しげにせせらいでいます。その傍にムラサキシキブが紫色の実を付けてせせらぎに合わせるかの様に揺れています。ムラサキシキブの名前の由来は平安時代の女性作家「紫式部」ですが、元は「ムラサキシキミ」で、それがいつしか「ムラサキシキブ」に変わったようです。学名の「Callicarpa japonica」とか、英名の「Japanese beautyberry」にある様にムラサキシキブは日本原産で、いずれも紫色の実の清楚な美しさを讃える内容です。