February 14 February St. Valentine’s Day is considered a day of love vows around the world.
During the Roman era, the Roman emperor Claudius II during the war banned soldiers from marrying to prevent them from falling in love with their families and lovers and demoralizing the army.
At that time, Christian priest St. Valentine (St. Valentine) secretly held a wedding ceremony for soldiers who wanted to get married.
This incurred the Roman emperor’s anger, and St. Valentine was executed on February 14, 269.
After that, in Rome, this February 14th became the patron saint of men and women loved by the martyred St. Valentine, and in the 14th century it was the same Valentine’s Day as it is now.
On this day, in Japan, chocolates are given to lovers and acquaintances, but in many foreign countries, flowers and cards are given.
February 2月14日 St.Valentine’s Day(セントバレンタインデー)は世界各地で愛の誓いの日とされています。