A movement / idea in which one nation or ethnic group invades, controls, or oppresses other nations or ethnic groups politically, economically, or militarily with the aim of expanding their own interests, territories, or powers, and creates a powerful nation; this policy is called imperialism. Historically, it was the dominant idea in the 19th century. In the 21st century, there has been a person of supreme power of the nation, possessed by that idea. This is Putin, President of the Russian Federation. After the Industrial Revolution that took place from the mid-18th century to the 19th century, the 21st century is about to enter a new historic era, the era of the information revolution. Along with an era full of dreams and hopes, there are a lot of problems that must be tackled worldwide, such as the problem of explosive population growth, the energy problem, the problem of global warming, and the problem of industrial waste. In such an era, Putin, a megalomaniac who can only think with 19th century ideas, is nothing more than a troublesome person. It is time for the world to turn to the rescue of Ukraine by erasing Putin early.
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