I always wonder why they named such a cute lily “Oni-yuri (demon lily)”. It was probably attached because Oni-yuri blooms big flowers and the orange petals make the image of a red demon. Oni-yuri also have another name, “Tengai lily”. Tengai (canopy) is a decorative cover that you hold over a Buddha statue or a great monk. In India, the birthplace of Buddhism, it is customary to always cover their aristocrats with an umbrella lid to avoid strong sunlight, and it is believed that this was used as a Buddhist majestic tool. By the way, many Oni-yuri were in bloom around Kumano Nachi Shrine, which I visited in the summer. In addition, Oni-yuri are often found in many temples and shrines. It’s a familiar and very memorable lily, so it may have been named “Oni-yuri” with friendliness.