Kusagi is bearing blue berries in a bush. Overall, it can’t be said to be beautiful, but if you look closely, its berries actually look like a black gem. It got its name because the leaves give off a bad-smelling when touched. It is widely distributed throughout Japan and is rarely used as a garden tree, but the fruit is used as a dye, the young shoots are edible, and the roots are used for medicine. The white flowers that bloom around August have a lovely, sweet scent that attracts butterflies and moths. The fruit is also good food for birds. It is hard to say that this plant is very popular in Japan because of its name, but it is unexpectedly prized in foreign countries and is loved by people who call it Beautiful or Fantastic. Also, the smell that is disliked in Japan seems to smell like peanut butter overseas, so it is also called the peanut butter bush.
藪の中にクサギが青い実を付けています。全体的には綺麗とは言えませんが、実はよく見ると黒い宝石のようです。葉を触ると、一種異様な臭いがするのでこの名がつきました。日本全国に広く分布し、庭木として使う例は稀ですが、果実は染料、若芽は食用、根は薬用となり、かつて実用された名残が民家近くの道端や荒れ地などで普通に見られます。8月頃に咲く白い花は可憐で甘い香りがし、チョウやガが好んで寄ってきます。実も鳥達の格好の餌になります。この植物はその名からも、日本ではあまり人気があるとは言いにくいのでですが、外国では意外に珍重され、Beautifulとか、Fantasticとか言われて愛されています。また、日本では臭いと嫌がられる匂いも、海外ではピーナツバターのような匂いに感じられるみたいで、The peanut butter bushという別名もあるくらいです。