Mt. Fuji at an altitude of 3766m may be below freezing even in the midsummer. Therefore, it should come as no surprise when it snows depending on the conditions even in midsummer. When it is uncrownded snow as shown in the photo, it can not be said that it is the first snow because the next thin snow has covered on the summit. The first snow on Mt. Fuji is the first snow day after the peak temperature of Mt.Fuji was recorded. Even if the top of the mountain is white and light makeup tomorrow, if the highest temperature of the year is recorded the day after tomorrow, the snow of tomorrow will be said to be the end snow of this year, and if there is a day of highest temperature before today, tomorrow will be the first snow day. By the way, the earliest year of the first snowfall is August 9, 2008, and the latest year is October 26, 2016.