The recipients of this year’s Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, who made significant contributions to the development of the COVID-19 vaccine, are Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman. I believe their award is timely.
The Nobel Prize selection committee states that “their discoveries were essential for the development of effective mRNA vaccines against the novel coronavirus, which began in early 2020.”
Vaccine development, which typically takes several years to a decade, was achieved in less than a year using the methods they discovered, an unprecedented speed. Their contributions are immeasurable. Without the development of these mRNA vaccines, the current pandemic could have brought about a disaster on par with or even greater than the pandemic of 100 years ago.
For reference, the previous pandemic infected approximately a quarter of the world’s population at the time, estimated to be around 500 million people, with a death toll estimated between 17 and 50 million. In comparison, it is estimated that the total number of people infected with the new coronavirus has reached 676.57 million, or one-twelfth of the world’s population, and the number of deaths has reached 6.88 million.
因みに、前回のパンデミックは、世界中で当時の人口の4分の1程度に相当する5億人が感染した とされ,死者数は1,700万人から5,000万人と推計されています。それに比べて、今回の新型コロナウイルスの累計感染者は世界人口の12分の1に当たる6億7657万人、死者は688万人に達していると推計されています。