A princess named Orihime (Vega) lived on the west bank of the Milky Way. Orihime was a master of weaving, and presented it to his father, the Emperor, whenever she wove the beautiful cloth. The Emperor, who was looking for a marriage partner for such a daughter, introduced the hard-working cattle worker Hikoboshi (Altair) on the east bank to Orihime, and they became a happy couple. However, after getting married, the two were just absorbed in love each other without working. The emperor who was angry at this again separated them by separating the Milky Way. However, feeling pity for the two who did nothing but the sadness, the emperor allowed them to meet only on the night of Tanabata(the Star Festival day). Riding on the wings of a magpie (swan constellation), who took orders from the Emperor, the two have crossed the Milky Way and met once a year since the time.
天の川の西岸に織姫(ベガ)というお姫様が住んでいました。 織姫は機織りの名人で、美しい布を織ってはお父様である天帝に献上し、喜ばれていました。 そんな娘の結婚相手を探していた天帝は、東岸に暮らす勤勉な牛使いの彦星(アルタイル)に引き合わせ、二人はめでたく夫婦になりました。しかし、結婚してからは二人は仕事をせず、睦み合うばかりです。これに怒った天帝は再び二人を天の川を隔てて離れ離れにしました。しかし、悲しみに明け暮れる二人を不憫に思った天帝は七夕の夜に限って、二人に会うことを許しました。二人は天帝から命を受けたカササギ(白鳥座)の翼に乗って天の川を渡り、年に一度会えることになりました。