Tomorrow 2/3 is Setsubun. Speaking of Setsubun, you are associated with “Mamemaki(abean-scattering ceremony) “, but now it is completely “Ehomaki”. Setsubun is originally the day of the turning point of the season, and it is held four times a year, but from around the Muromachi period, Setsubun has come to refer to the day before the beginning of spring. “Ehomaki” started from the local culture of Osaka in the 1980s. Heading toward “Eho” (north-northwest this year), where the Toshigami God is, you will bite into a whole Ehomaki while silently thinking of your wishes. “Ehomaki” generally refers to thick rolls of seafood, vegetables, eggs, and vinegared rice wrapped in seaweed, but recently a new face has appeared again. It is “Ehomaki roll”. It is an abbreviation of “Ehomaki roll cake”, and as the name suggests, it is a roll cake that imitates Ehomaki. Convenience stores are competing fiercely sales battles for “Ehomaki roll cake”, devising new ways with plenty of fruits.