On a summer day, I visited Nosegawa Village, the last unexplored region located in the southern part of Nara Prefecture. Nosegawa Village is the least populated municipality in Japan except for remote islands. In the north of the village is Koyasan, a mountain of worship that has been open for a long time, and in the south is the Koya Ryujin National Monument, which is lined with steep mountains. A nice Sscent is drifting when I follow a narrow mountain path. When I was attracted to the scent, small white flowers were blooming here and there. If I take a picture with my smartphone and look it up with Google Lens, it says Jasmine. This flower is my first encounter. Further, when I traced to the pass, the mountains of the Kii Mountains suddenly spread in front of me.
夏の一日、奈良県南部に位置する最後の秘境、野迫川村(のせがわむら)を訪ねました。野迫川村は離島を除いて日本一人口が少ない自治体です。村の北部には古くから開けた信仰の山・高野山があり、南には高野龍神国定公園の一部である伯母子岳(おばこだけ、1344m)や護摩壇山(ごまだんざん、1372m)が険峻な山容を見せて連なっています。細い山道を辿るといい香りが漂ってきます。香りに惹かれて辿るとと白い小さな花があちこちに咲いています。スマホで写真を取り、Google Lens で調べるとジャスミンとあります。初めての出会いです。さらにその先を峠まで辿ると突然目の前に紀伊山地の山々が幾重にも重なって広がっていました。