Two-wheeled dandelions are blooming vividly in the field. The bees flew in with a fluttering noise, but when I brought my smartphone closer and tried to take a picture, I ran away. It looks like a common dandelion because of the warp of the flowers. Dandelions are roughly divided into Japanese dandelions and common dandelion (Dandelion). Almost 60% of the dandelions found in the suburbs of the city are hybrids with the common dandelion or the Japanese dandelion. Dandelion is a naturalized plant native to Europe, designated by the Ministry of the Environment as an alien species requiring special attention, and has been selected as one of the 100 worst invasive alien species in Japan. Initially, it was feared that the fertile common dandelion would destroy the Japanese dandelion, but in many cases it has become clear that the Japanese dandelion and the common dandelion live separately. Japanese dandelions are surprisingly strong, and you can often see them in the precincts of Omiyasan even in urban areas. Japanese dandelions bloom only in early spring, but common dandelions bloom all year round.