I recently realized the difference between the katakana word “ハナニラ” and the kanji word “花ニラ,” which represents the character “花” (flower). “ハナニラ” refers to an ornamental plant, while “花ニラ” is an edible plant, and they are entirely different varieties.
“ニラ” (Chinese chives) is primarily used for its leaves, which have a distinct aroma that enhances various dishes such as stir-fries, hot pots, and dumpling fillings. In terms of nutrition, it is a rich source of carotene, vitamin B2, vitamin C, potassium, calcium, and other nutrients. During late summer to autumn, “ニラ” produces white six-petaled flowers in clusters of 30 to 50 on elongated, flat stems that emerge from between its leaves, forming a semi-spherical shape. This is what we refer to as “花ニラ,” and it is also used for culinary purposes.
On the other hand, “ハナニラ” produces star-shaped flowers at the tip of a single stem. Its leaves resemble those of “ニラ,” and they share a garlic-like aroma, making them look very similar. However, it’s important to note that the leaves of “ハナニラ” are toxic, and occasionally, people mistakenly consume them, leading to poisoning incidents.
Another distinction is that “花ニラ” blooms during this season, while “ハナニラ” blooms in the early spring, allowing you to differentiate them in this aspect as well.