Himalayan Yukinoshita grows naturally in the Himalayan region, and from the end of winter to spring, white to pink five-petaled flowers are attached to the tip of the flower stalk that extends long from the side of the large, lustrous oval leaves that spread out like crawling on the ground. It blooms in clusters. It came from the Himalayas far away in the early Meiji era, can withstand the heat of midsummer, regardless of soil, and has the strength to adapt to any environment. Also known as shortia uniflora, it grows on rocky areas and is named because its leaves are larger than those of shortia uniflora, which resembles a fan. The flower language is “patience” and “hidden emotion”, and it is probably derived from the fact that the leaves do not die even under cold snow and bloom in early spring. Although it is an alpine plant, it also has the flower word “adaptation” because it adapts well to the climate of Japan and blooms.