The flowers of the grove begonias have bloomed. They look just like a flower lei worn around the neck of a hula dancer. Begonias come in three main types: grove begonias, rhizomatous begonias, and tuberous begonias. Grove begonias have upright stems that stretch out, showcasing a variety of beautiful flowers and leaves. Rhizomatous begonias have thick stems that crawl along the ground as they grow, and they are enjoyed more for their beautiful leaves than their flowers. Tuberous begonias, being among the showiest types within the begonia family, produce large flowers. With excellent longevity as cut flowers and the ability to bloom year-round, begonias are found in flower beds everywhere and are a familiar sight to all. Grove begonias are particularly popular as indoor ornamental plants, with prices ranging from several times to tens of times that of other begonia varieties.