A wooden back chair placed in the open field on a hill, a canna blooming in front of it, a fishing port below and the ocean beyond it, a large lump of village clouds in the sky, etc. I want to somehow lock them in the words of 575. People have long used pictures, music, and words to express what they felt from the so-called five senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell, but it is still the most difficult to express in words. Pictures and music also appeal directly to the sight and hearing, whereas words can only appeal indirectly. The sensibility of the Japanese who challenged haiku, the shortest poem in the world, depends on the characteristics of Japanese. As you can see from the dictionary, the explanation of Japanese words is one or two lines, while the explanation of English words is several pages long. Chinese poetry also has short poems with five words and seven words, but the number of sounds is much larger than that of haiku. So, although it may not be a right idea, photo haiku was born.