Merry Christmas!
That said, but Christmas is actually over this morning. The 24th, which is Christmas Eve, is the correct way to celebrate loudly. In Japan, the 24th and 25th are like Christmas, and many people are planning a Christmas party for both days, but the excitement is on the 24th, and Christmas is over on the 25th. So, according to Japanese customs, I said Merry Christmas. Tomorrow, the Christmas decorations will disappear completely, and it’s finally time to prepare for the New Year.
The Christmas wreath in the picture is often seen these days, but the Christmas wreath has the following three meanings.
• Amulet
• Pray for a good harvest
• New Year’s happiness prayer
Since the wreath is in the shape of a ring, it has no end or beginning and is a symbol of eternity. This meaning of “eternity” is fused with Christian agape (love from God to man), and it has come to have the meaning of wishing for “love from eternal God.” The other is a prayer for a good harvest and a good harvest, which is a universal wish.
- 魔除け
- 豊作祈願
- 新年の幸福祈願
リースは輪のかたちであるため終わりも始まりもなく、永遠性のシンボルです。 この「永遠」という意味合いと、キリスト教のアガペー(神から人への愛)が融合し、「永遠の神からの愛」を願う、という意味を持つようになりました。もうひとつは豊穣や豊作祈願で、これは世界共通の願い事です。