I went to the peony garden in the nearby Kyuhoji Ryokuchi Park again. I visited the park 5 days just after the opening (4/28), but I was a little disappointed that the park bloomed for about one-third in bloom, contrary to expectations. Today (5/7), there is a tea party from 11:00 to 12:00, so I intended to attend that, but I completely forgot about it while I was touching my computer, and I was disappointed again. We had lunch and went to the peony garden at 2:00 pm. It’s hot, and I can’t stop sweating even if I take off my jacket. The peony garden was almost full of flowers, but the corner of the Higo peony still had a few buds. The people in the park were sparse because it was a hot Saturday afternoon, but people who were enthusiastic about the camera, gardeners who were busy pruning, people who were preparing for a night concert, etc. could be seen and hidden during the peony swaying in the May wind. was doing.
近くの久宝寺緑地公園にあるシャクヤク園にまた出かけました。開園(4/28)間もなくの5日前に訪ねたのですが、期待に反して園内は3分咲き程度で、ちょっとがっかりでした。今日(5/7)は11:00から12:00 にお茶会があるというので、そのつもりでいたのですが、パソコンを触っている内にすっかりその事を忘れ、またがっかりです。昼食をとって、午後2時に出掛けました。暑いのなんの、上着を脱いでも汗が止まりません。シャクヤク園はすっかり花も咲き揃って、肥後シャクヤクのコーナーがまだ蕾が少し残る程度でした。暑い土曜の昼下がりということで園内の人影もまばらでしたが、カメラを熱心に構える人、剪定に忙しい園芸員、夜のライブを準備する人などが、5月の風に揺れるシャクヤクの間に見え隠れしていました。