“Gathering early summer rains Even more rapid The Mogami River” is Matsuo Basho’s famous haiku. This Basho’s “Samidare” is actually a word that refers to Tsuyu ( the rainy season). May in the lunar calendar is June in the new calendar. Basho was born in 1644 and died in 1694, but by this time the word Tsuyu had not yet been used. The word Tsuyu takes root after the death of Basho Matsuo. The word “梅雨 (a rainy season)” appears in “Makura-no-Soushi (Pillow grass)”, but the reading is “baiu”, which is rarely used, and “samidare” is the translation of what is then called Tsuyu. “Baiu” is a word that was born because the long rains continue when the ume fruits are ripe and turn yellow. In this way, there is a one-month gap between the old calendar used before the Meiji era and the new calendar used after the Meiji era, and there are still many scenes of confusion.