The red spider lilies have gradually swollen their buds, and this morning, a few of them have bloomed. There are still many buds to go, but they will surely be in full bloom by the equinox. It marks the true beginning of autumn. Over the past three years, a sense of closure prevailed due to the pandemic, and last year’s start was tentative. However, this year, it’s in full swing. People have been coming out everywhere since spring, and there’s been a surge in crowds at summer festivals, fireworks displays, and Bon dances. Yet, even as I watch the news on TV, the phrase “recovered to 70% of pre-COVID levels” is frequently used, suggesting we haven’t reached 100% or more. While it may not be as clear-cut as ‘heat and cold until the equinox,’ I believe that around this autumn equinox, we will go beyond 100% or more. Foreign tourists have also started to stand out, and I expect their numbers to increase even more. It’s a joyful development. However, personally, as I see the red spider lilies like this, I’ve also been reminded of the many people who have recently passed away, and there have been more occasions to remember them. It’s a complex mix of feelings.