There are few daffodil flowers left, and the green of the leaves stands out. Instead, the plum blossoms are almost in full bloom, creating a beautiful contrast between the green of the daffodils and the pink of the plum. Plums and cherry blossoms are often contrasted, but plums have a dignity and gentleness that cherry blossoms do not have. Today, the word flower means cherry blossom, but before the Heian period, the word flower meant plum. In the Manyoshu, the oldest existing anthology of Japanese poetry, there are 43 poems about cherry blossoms and more than 110 poems about plum blossoms. However, in the “Kokin Wakashu”, net which was created in the early Heian period, the numbers are reversed, with 70 cherry blossoms and 18 plum blossoms. It is very interesting to think about the implications of this reversal. Since the Heian period, there has been a great deal of interest in cherry blossoms, but the deep-rooted popularity of plums has not waned. It’s a culturally interesting question.