Today is the New Year’s Day of the Lunar New Year. A friend heading to Tokyo sent me a photo of Mount Fuji along with a famous verse. It’s a verse that purely describes the dignified and beautiful appearance of Mount Fuji. I tried to compose a verse inspired by the same photo of Mount Fuji, but somehow, my attempt was overshadowed by rationality, and I couldn’t create a clever verse. I find myself getting entangled in the current state of affairs; it’s challenging to separate my thoughts from the Gaza Strip, Ukraine, the U.S. presidential election, and the political situation in Japan. The upcoming U.S. presidential election, with the lacking integrity Trump and the dementia-affected Biden, seems like a choice between two undesirable options, deepening the world’s confusion. On the other hand, Japan is governed by a ruling party dominated by lawmakers engrossed in creating backdoor funds, alongside a dysfunctional opposition. It appears there is no hope for the future. The situation on the Noto Peninsula, combined with the Osaka Expo amid these circumstances, is also a matter of concern.