It has been 76 years since the atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki at 11:02 am on August 9, 1945. It is said that more than 70,000 people died in an instant, and the name of 189,163 people is listed in the A-bomb death list with the names of 3202 people including the survivors who died in the past year. However, although the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, which bans the development, manufacture, and use of nuclear weapons came into effect in January this year, nuclear-weapon states and countries under the nuclear umbrella, such as Japan, have not participated. Is this all right? The 21st century is truly when Japan comes in. No country in Japan can actively participate in the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and take leadership toward the realization of a world free of nuclear weapons. Japan, which has nurtured a high level of culture and a spirit of harmony for over 2000 years, should be the leader of 21st century society in every sense.