The cherry blossom front has already reached Sendai. Many of the cherry blossoms this year bloom earlier than normal, and Hiroshima and Matsue also bloom on the 11th, and it seems that there are many places that are the earliest in the history of observation. The cherry blossoms form flower buds that bloom the following spring in summer, and the flower buds that have once entered dormancy are exposed to low temperatures for a certain period of time in winter and wake up from dormancy (breaking dormancy), and then grow and bloom as the temperature rises. Very strong chills often flowed in this winter, but the temperature in November, which is the entrance to winter, was quite high, so the breaking dormancy was not enough, but the effect of the large high temperature in February and March was effective. Due to its effect, this year’s flowering seems to be much earlier than normal. This winter was the first weather condition also for Sakura.