In haiku, it is written as 秋薔薇 and read as “Akisoubi”, and is a favorite autumn season word for haiku poets. Of course, you can also read it as “Akibara”, and many people read it that way. Roses are usually at their peak in early summer and are called spring roses, and most of them bloom one season. Autumn roses form buds when the temperature starts to drop after summer, and if the temperature is above 15°C, they bloom repeatedly in any season, so they are called four season roses. In addition, roses that bloom all four seasons, which is the best time to see them from October to November with the spring roses narrowly remained, are also called autumn roses. Autumn roses have slightly smaller flower sizes and fewer flowers. However, the flower color tends to be much darker, and the temperature is low, so the flower shape is not disturbed and it lasts for a long time. Compared to spring roses, they are not flashy, but they have the charm of allowing you to fully enjoy the beauty of a single flower.