There is a small diameter that connects Kumano Jakuoki shrine which is close to Eikan-do Temple, and Ginkakuji Temple, in Kyoto. Call it “the way of philosophy”. It is a walking path that stretches for about 2km. It was named after Kitaro Nishida, a professor at Kyoto University who was a philosopher in the early 20th century, and his disciples Hajime Tanabe and Kiyoshi Miki, walked this road every morning and indulged in thought. Hydrophobicity drawn from Lake Biwa, the largest lake in Japan, flows aside. The Kansetsu cherry blossoms donated by the Japanese painter Hashimoto Kansetsu are lined up along the road, and will soon turn into a row of cherry blossom trees. It is a beautiful section of nature where the scenery changes with the seasons, with cherry blossoms in spring, green trees in early summer, and autumn leaves in autumn, and it has been selected as one of the “100 Best Roads in Japan”. Now, the scenery is completely dull and the pure white Yukiyanagi stands out. This is my favorite time when I can feel the “path of philosophy” most.
京都の永観堂からほど近い熊野若王子神社と銀閣寺をつなぐように通る小径があります。人呼んで「哲学の道」。約2kmに渡る散歩道です。20世紀初期の哲学者である京都大学教授 西田幾太郎を始め、その弟子である田辺元や三木清らが、毎朝この道を歩いて思想に耽っていたことにちなんで名付けられました。日本最大の湖である琵琶湖から引かれた疎水が脇を流れています。道沿いには日本画家橋本関雪によって寄贈された関雪桜が並んでいて、もう間もなく桜並木に変わります。春は桜、初夏は木々の緑、秋は紅葉と四季折々に景色が変化する自然の美しい区間で、「日本の道100選」にも選ばれています。今はまったく殺風景で真っ白な雪柳がやたら目立ちます。「哲学の道」がいちばん実感できる大好き時節です。