商戦は 年末年始に 早変わり The shopping season From Christmas to the year-end and New Year Quickly shifts

At the nearby convenience store, all traces of Christmas cake reservation ads have been completely removed, and now it’s all about New Year’s soba and osechi cuisine reservation ads. Perhaps such a scene is unique to Japan. While Japan is a nation with a very weak sense of religious affiliation, looking at it in terms of religious affiliation, Shinto has 87.9 million followers (48.5%), Buddhism has 83.9 million followers (46.3%), Christianity has 1.9 million followers (1%), and other religious groups have 7.3 million followers (4%). Despite Christians making up only 1%, Christmas is as popular in Japan as New Year’s and Obon festivals, and there are many other Christmas-related events. The major world religions have approximately 2.3 billion Christians (33%), 1.6 billion Muslims (23%), 1 billion Hindus (14%), and 500 million Buddhists (7%). This means that one in three people globally is a Christian. Islam generally prohibits Christmas, and while Hinduism does not forbid Christmas, there is not much interest in it. While it is understood that Christmas is a global event, it is evident that Japan is indeed a unique country even on a global scale.



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