At the nearby convenience store, all traces of Christmas cake reservation ads have been completely removed, and now it’s all about New Year’s soba and osechi cuisine reservation ads. Perhaps such a scene is unique to Japan. While Japan is a nation with a very weak sense of religious affiliation, looking at it in terms of religious affiliation, Shinto has 87.9 million followers (48.5%), Buddhism has 83.9 million followers (46.3%), Christianity has 1.9 million followers (1%), and other religious groups have 7.3 million followers (4%). Despite Christians making up only 1%, Christmas is as popular in Japan as New Year’s and Obon festivals, and there are many other Christmas-related events. The major world religions have approximately 2.3 billion Christians (33%), 1.6 billion Muslims (23%), 1 billion Hindus (14%), and 500 million Buddhists (7%). This means that one in three people globally is a Christian. Islam generally prohibits Christmas, and while Hinduism does not forbid Christmas, there is not much interest in it. While it is understood that Christmas is a global event, it is evident that Japan is indeed a unique country even on a global scale.