Spring is in full bloom in Minamiizu Town, which is located at the southern tip of the Izu Peninsula, further south than Shimoda City, where no trains pass. In Minamiizu-cho, there is Shimokamo Onsen, which prospered as a hot spring resort. Approximately 800 Kawazu cherry trees and rape blossoms are in full bloom on both banks of the Aono River, which runs through the town for 4.2 km, creating a world of bright pinks and yellows all around. Coupled with the warm climate of Izu, the flowering season is from early February to early March! On Saturdays and Sundays, many tourists come from the Tokyo area to enjoy the early spring. Contrary to such a scene, a heavy snow warning arrives from the northern country, and a news of a miserable situation due to a large earthquake arrives in Turkey. I have mixed feelings.
下田市よりさらに南、鉄道も通らない伊豆半島の南端に位置する南伊豆町はもう春爛漫です。南伊豆町には湯治場として栄えた下賀茂温泉があり、あちらこちらから湯煙が上がる、味わいのある街並みが広がっています。その町中を流れる青野川両岸には4.2kmに渡り、およそ800本の河津桜と 菜の花が咲き乱れ、 あたり一面が鮮やかなピンクと黄色の世界に彩られます。伊豆の温暖な気候と相まって、開花シーズンはなんと2月上旬~3月上旬!土日には、東京方面からも、一足早い春を楽しむ観光客がたくさん押し寄せています。そんな光景とは裏腹に、北国からは大雪警報の知らせが届き、トルコでは大地震で悲惨な状況である知らせが届きます。複雑な気持ちです。