With news of the coldest air this winter and the fear of heavy snow, I was surprised to hear the news that the Toi cherry blossoms in Nishi-Izu are in full bloom. While the Kawazu cherry blossoms are well-known as early bloomers, the Toi cherry blossoms bloom about a week earlier. This rare cherry blossom only blooms in the Toi area of Izu City on the west coast of the Izu Peninsula. The roots of the Toi cherry blossoms date back to around 1958 when the late Professor Yoshio Ogawa, an honorary professor at Hokkaido University, discovered a rare cherry blossom at a clinic in Doi and began propagating it through grafting.
The Doi cherry blossoms start to bud in mid-December, begin flowering in mid-January, and continue to bloom for about two months until mid-February. Their distinctive feature is the deep pink color of the flowers, with each branch bearing 6-7 blossoms, creating a vibrant red hue throughout the cherry tree.
While the concept of the “sakura front” is often associated with the blooming of Somei Yoshino cherry blossoms, the leading edge is determined by Okinawa, where Somei Yoshino doesn’t bloom. In this case, the benchmark is the blooming of Okinawa’s Kan-hi-sakura (cold red cherry) blossoms. Since the blooming of Okinawa’s Kan-hi-sakura blossoms and the Toi cherry blossoms are almost simultaneous, the Toi cherry blossoms can be considered the earliest blooming cherry blossoms in Japan.
この冬一番の寒気で大雪の恐れと言うニュースと並んで、西伊豆の土肥桜が満開と言うニュースを聞いてビックリです。早咲きの桜として河津桜がよく知られていますが、土肥桜はそれより1 週間程度早く咲きます。同じ伊豆半島の西海岸にある伊豆市の土肥地区にしか咲かない珍しい桜です。土肥桜のルーツは、昭和33 年頃、北海道大学の名誉教授である故小川義雄氏が、土肥の医院で偶然見つけた珍しい桜を持ち帰り、接ぎ木で殖やし始めたのがはじまりです。
土肥桜は12 月中旬から蕾が膨らみ始め、1 月中旬から開花し始め、2 月中旬までの約2 か月間咲き続けます。 花の色が濃いピンク色になるのが特徴で、一枝に6~7個花をつけ、桜の木全体が華やかに紅く染まります。