When it comes to flowers, it is often said that plum blossoms were first used during the Manyoshu era, and cherry blossoms were used in the early Heian period. Michizane Sugawara, known for his song “If the East Wind Blows, Make the Smell of Plum Blossoms”, lived in the late 800s, but he also sang songs about cherry blossoms.
A century later, Sei Shonagon, who flourished after Michizane, wrote in The Pillow Book, ‘If it’s a tree flower, I like red plum blossoms, whether dense or sparse. I like cherry blossoms with large petals, deep leaf colors, and slender branches. Wisteria flowers are charming with their supple, long extensions and rich colors.’ Sei Shonagon seems to have a particular fondness for red plum blossoms. While she appreciates cherry blossoms with large petals and deep leaf colors, it implies that during this time, cherry blossoms had small petals and bloomed with leaves. Thus, these cherry blossoms were likely not like the Somei Yoshino variety we see today, but rather mountain cherries.
In any case, it is evident that both Sugawara no Michizane and Sei Shonagon had an interest in both plum and cherry blossoms. However, from this point onwards, cherry blossoms take the spotlight, and interest in plum blossoms diminishes.