The area from the northern part of Otsu City to Takashima City, which located on the west bank of Lake Biwa in Shiga Prefecture, is known as an early rice producing area. By the time of Golden Week in May, blue seedlings will be planted one after another in the paddy fields where the sky is reflected under the spring sunlight. As soon as the rice fields are ready for planting and the rice fields are filled with water, the frogs begin to cry, and by the time the rice planting is finished, the cry is so strong that it echoes around. The rice grows in a moment, the rainy season begins, and the harvest begins around the end of August, when the full-scale summer ends. The main reason why early rice is made is because to avoid unseasonable autumn weather, and that even if the rice is highly preserved, the new rice is more delicious and has higher commercial value, and can be shipped during the off-season when the price is high. Harvesting is completed between the 210th and 220th days when the typhoon arrives, about a month earlier than other rice.
滋賀県の琵琶湖西岸に位置する大津市北部から高島市辺りは早場米の産地として知られています。5月のゴールデンウィーク辺りまでには、春の陽光の下、空が映り込む水田に青い苗が次々と植え付けらます。田植えの準備を終え、田に水を張ると直ぐにカエルが鳴き始め、田植えが終わる頃には辺りに響き渡るほどの勢いです。稲は見る見る内に成長し、梅雨を迎え、本格的な夏を終える8月下旬辺りから収穫が始まります。早場米が作られる主な理由は、秋の天候不順を避けるためと、保存性の高い米といえども新米の方が美味であり商品性が高く、端境 期で価格が高くなっている時期に出荷できるからです。他の米よりも1ヶ月程度早く、台風がくる二百十日から二百二十日の間ごろまでに収穫を終えます。