Yesterday, the 18th, was bustling with news of mountain burning. The controlled burns took place in Akiyoshidai National Park, known for its representative karst plateau in Mine City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, and at the nationally designated natural monument, “Oomuroyama,” in Ito City, Shizuoka Prefecture. In the past, the practice of burning grass for livestock feed and thatching materials for roofs was widespread across the country. However, such activities have significantly decreased over time. Nevertheless, the tradition of grassland burning is still preserved in various regions throughout the country.
Recently, these controlled burns are conducted not with the primary purpose of livelihood but rather to maintain landscapes and ensure biodiversity. The spectacle of vast grasslands and mountains engulfed in flames serves as a poetic harbinger of spring, attracting numerous tourists.
New buds and insects emerge from the earth that has been warmed by mountain burning, but when it’s as warm as it has been these days, there may be no need to wait for mountain burning.