Speaking of Nanten(Nandina), I remember the round red can “Nandina throat lozenge”. In addition, Nanten, which bears beautiful bright red fruits from late autumn to early winter, can be found everywhere and is an indispensable flower material for the New Year as a happy lucky charm. The origin of Nanten is Japan and China, but it has been prized as a lucky tree because the sound of the name leads to “rolling through difficulties”, and it seemed that it had come to be planted in the house. The flowering time of Nanten is from June to July, and white flowers come in bloom. However, in general, Nanten is enjoyed by the red fruits and the change in the color of the leaves during the autumn leaves rather than enjoying the flowers that have bloomed, so the best time to see them is around October when the autumn leaves are beautiful and around November to February when they bear fruit. It is almost always planted in the precincts of shrines and temples.