Yesterday, I was invited by a friend to participate in “Peru in Osaka: Wind of Peru” held in Sennan City near Kansai International Airport. Various folk musical instruments such as quena were played, and folk dance accompanied by the performance was performed. At the end of the event, everyone participated in the Jenka, and the venue was filled with excitement, making it a heartwarming day. I realized how important these exchanges between citizens are. Even in the 21st century, there are still barbaric conflicts in the world. Due to the outdated worldview of a single ruler, an absurd and unreasonable war is being waged in Ukraine. Russia, which repeatedly bombs Ukrainian citizens without producing any significant results and just repeats defeats, has now become the most barbaric nation in the world. I strongly hope that cross-border exchanges of citizens like today will be opened as soon as possible also in Ukraine and Russia.
昨日は友人のお誘いがあって、関空近くの泉南市で開催された『Peru in Osaka:ペルーの風』に参加しました。ケーナを初め様々な民族楽器の演奏、その演奏を伴奏にした民族舞踊などが披露されました。最後には全員参加のジェンカで会場は大盛り上がり、心温まる一日になりました。市民同士のこうした交流がいかに大切であるかを実感しました。21世紀になった今日でも世界には野蛮な紛争が絶えません。一為政者の時代遅れの世界観によって、ウクライナでは不条理で理不尽な戦争が繰り広げられています。大した戦果も上げられず敗退するばかり、ただウクライナ市民を困らせるだけの爆撃を繰り返すロシアは、今や世界で一番の野蛮国家に成り下がりました。ウクライナにも、そしてロシアにも、どうか今日の様な国境を越えた市民の交流が一日も早く開かれる事を強く望みます。