There are sweet persimmons and astringent persimmons. I think everyone has eaten astringent persimmons, but everyone can’t forget that strong astringent taste. I don’t think I want to eat it again. Crows are the same and never eat astringent persimmons. Tannin is the source of that bitterness. Persimmons are protected by a large amount of tannin while the seeds are immature. However, once the seed has grown sufficiently, they want to carry the seed far away. That’s why ripe persimmons become soft enough to be eaten by people and crows and lose their astringency. To put it simply, the fruit also breathes, but if this breathing is blocked, acetaldehyde accumulates inside the fruit, which binds with tannins and removes the astringency, making the fruit sweeter. Peeling the astringent persimmon to create an oxide film, soaking it in alcohol, or putting it in the refrigerator will remove the astringency. A recent interesting study reported that the astringent component of persimmons had the effect of inactivating the new coronavirus.