I harvested a lot of astringent persimmons. It’s going to be a lot of work to peel them, string them up, and dry them. But the sweetness when I tried it when the surface of the dried persimmon turns white is exceptional. I’m even moved by the wonder that astringent persimmons can become so sweet. It’s also unrefined to think about tannins and everything in terms of reason. I guess people in the old days knew from experience that astringent persimmons would eventually become sweet if left on the tree. However, if you leave it alone, the birds will eat it sooner or later. So, the idea of skewering astringent persimmons was born. If you dry it in a place where birds don’t come, you can put it under a mirror cake on New Year’s Day and use it as a sword of the three sacred treasures. Around the Edo period, the current method of making dried persimmons became established because it was more efficient to hang astringent persimmons with strings than to skewer them. Since the sweetness of dried persimmons is 1.5 times that of sugar, it is said to be the king of sweetness among fruits.