“Kawazu Zakura” is now known nationwide as an early blooming cherry tree. However, “Ito Komuro Zakura” has been attracting attention recently. It is a new kind of cherry blossom that was discovered in Komuroyama Park in Ito City in 1988. It is a hybrid of Kanhi Zakura and Oshima Zakura, and is characterized by a slightly lighter color and larger petals than the Kawazu Zakura blossoms that bloom around the same time. In 2008, it was named “Ito Komuro Zakura” to make it widely known as Ito cherry blossoms, and 900 trees are currently planted outside the city. There is “Omuro Zakura” which is famous for late bloomers in Kyoto, but it is confusing because you can pronounce “Komuro” and “Omuro” in Kanji (Chinese characters) in the same way. By the way, Yosa Buson has left Haiku “Sleepy spring begins with Omuro’s flowers”.
早咲きの桜としては「河津桜」が今や全国的にも知られています。しかし、最近注目されているのが「伊東小室桜」。1988年に伊東市の小室山公園で発見された新種の桜です。寒緋桜と大島桜が自然交配された雑種で、同じ頃に咲く河津桜に比べやや色が薄く、花弁が大きいのが特徴です。2008年には、伊東の桜として広く知らしめる為に、「伊東小室桜」と命名され、現在市内外には900本が植栽されています。京都には遅咲きで有名な「御室桜」がありますが、「こむろ」と「おむろ」、漢字で書けば同じ様に発音できますから、紛らわしいですね。因みに、与謝蕪村は、『ねぶたさの 春は御室の 花よりぞ』の句を残しています。