When I was a child, I heard that pomegranates tasted like human flesh, so I found them rather unsettling to look at. Later, I learned it was just a superstition, but it left a strong impression on me when I was a child, and it was only recently that I ate pomegranate for the first time. Kishimojin is enshrined at the shrine I visited during my child’s Shichi-Go-San festival, and she holds a pomegranate in her hand. The reason for this is based on an anecdote in which the Buddha admonished Kishimojin, who was kidnapping and eating human children, saying, “Pomegranates taste similar to human flesh, so if you feel like eating human flesh, eat that.” The connection between pomegranates and humans goes back to ancient times, even as far back as ancient times, possibly arriving in Japan via the Korean Peninsula by the 9th century. Pomegranates are rich in nutrients and are said to have health and beauty benefits, especially for women, and have even become popular as “women’s fruits.”