Even when visiting the same rose garden, spring and autumn offer entirely different charms. In spring, every flower bursts with vigor, blooming abundantly, creating a vibrant and uplifting atmosphere. It brightens one’s mood effortlessly. In contrast, autumn features fewer blooms, setting a tranquil and serene ambiance. Perhaps it’s the setting that influences one’s mood, as each individual rose becomes dear, causing us to linger longer. The rose that caught my eye might be called ‘Nostalgia.’ It starts to bloom towards the end of summer, initially with a white center and pink edges, gradually deepening in color with a yellowish center and crimson edges. Eventually, the edges turn black, just before wilting. Nostalgia, illuminated by the evening sun, seemed to convey something, drawing me in irresistibly. With a heavy heart, I left the place, feeling as if I were leaving a part of me behind.