Today was the last day of this year, which was shaken by the corona. It’s New Year’s Eve. For New Year’s Eve, I would like to shake off the corona damage with “Toshikoshi soba” and have a healthy New Year suitable for the year of the tiger. In the old days, it was thought that the day started at night, and so it was already the beginning of the new year from the nightfall on New Year’s Eve. Therefore, various New Year’s Eve events were held on New Year’s Eve. It was customary to eat “Toshikoshi soba”, listening to the joya no kane, wait for Saishinsama(the year’s god), go to the first shrine, and stay up all night without sleeping. Saisinsama is a god who is said to bring about a good harvest of rice, and has been treated with great care for a long time so that crops can grow abundantly and people can live without any inconvenience in what they eat. Recently, these old customs of the year-end and New Year holidays have completely changed, and it seems that they are considered to be a big event following Christmas.