What you think when you look at a picture is different for each person. Even the same person feels differently at different times. The pond in the park is quiet as dusk approaches. During the daytime, it was crowded with many people from adults to children, but it was quiet like a lie. A single duck stands on the other side of the pond, and his white color stands out. The evening calm pond is like a mirror, reflecting the appearance of him and the surrounding autumnal trees. What is he thinking now? What is he going to do now? Does he have his family? Is there his bed? Such rambling thoughts arise one after another. If I think about it in retrospect, in the end, I’m thinking about my current circumstances and the circumstances around me. The duck standing in front of me now has no hesitation, he has finished the day as he pleases , and he must have found a place to sleep.
一枚の写真を見て思うことは人それぞれ。同じ人でもその時々によっても感じ方は違います。夕闇の迫る公園の池は静かです。昼間は大人から子供まで沢山の人で賑わっていたのが嘘の様な静けさです。池の向こうに一羽のアヒルが立っていて、その白さがやたら目立ちます。夕凪の池は鏡の様で、そのアヒルの姿と周りの紅葉した木々を映し出しています。今このアヒルは何を考えているのだろう? これからどうするのだろう? 家族はいるのだろうか?寝床はあるのだろうか?そんな取り留めもない思いが次から次と沸き起こってきます。翻って考えてみれば、結局は今の自分の境遇なり、周辺の事情を考えているのです。今目の前に佇むアヒルは何の迷いもなく、なすがまま、なされるままに1日を終え、きっと寝場所も決まっているのでしょう。