Fire festivals and Mountain Burning that announce spring are held in various places. It is said that this happened at Dondoyaki (Sagicho), which is held in various parts of Japan at the beginning of the new year. Since ancient times, the Japanese have believed that fire has a sacred power, originating from Sun Worshipping. Various fire festivals were born in search of purification by fire and strengthening of spiritual power by fire. It has a long history, some of which last for more than 1000 years. The characteristics of Japanese fire festivals are that there are many things that are extremely dangerous, such as using giant torches, using many torches, and getting into the fire. There is also a fantastic festival where you can enjoy the beauty of fire. In Kansai, there are many nationally famous fire festivals such as Kurama Fire Festival and Kumano Fire Festival, starting with the torch of Todaiji Nigatsudo starting from March 1st. The Koyasan Spring Festival, which announces the spring of Koyasan, was held yesterday (3/6).