In the row of cherry blossom trees along the Nagase River, which has become completely green, the cicadas are singing loudly from early in the morning. A large group of carp swims leisurely against the gentle flow of the river. The sun is strong, but once in the shade of a tree, the cold morning air is still floating and I can immerse myself in a brief break. The hot day that continues immediately after the end of the rainy season seems to be a lie. However, summer is still in full swing from now. I don’t know what kind of heat will hit us from now on until the Obon festival. I would like to applaud the athletes for the Olympic Games in Corona, where the hot battles are fought every day, but when I learn about the various contradictions brought to light, I get angry. Now our country is overwhelmed by too illiterate and unscrupulous leaders. The people with a high degree of citizenship have managed to support it, but it is a time when I am worried about whether or not our nations will face the grief of a gloomy country someday.