In 1876, shortly after the Meiji Restoration, Japan, in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of American independence, sent numerous carpenters to the Philadelphia Centennial Exposition. On a vast site that rivaled those of advanced countries at the time, Japan constructed a dedicated pavilion showcasing Japanese architecture. There, they exhibited a wide range of Japanese products with the aim of promoting exports and earning foreign currency. Japan’s exhibits garnered significant interest and acclaim, rapidly elevating Japan’s reputation, even though it had been considered a backward nation. A reporter from the New York Herald went so far as to write, ‘Why should we call Japan a nation still in the process of civilization when it surpasses France in bronze products and silk, and leads the world in woodworking, furniture, and ceramics?’
Among the exhibits, there was kudzu, which became extremely popular at the exposition. The kudzu plant, with its beautiful flowers, was not only visually appealing but also a favorite food for cattle and horses. Being a leguminous plant, kudzu had symbiotic bacteria in its roots that improved soil quality, and its roots and vines also helped stabilize the edges of fields and roads. As a result, it quickly spread throughout the United States.
However, the vitality and reproductive ability of Kudzu became a disaster, and after that, “Kudzu” came to be referred to as “Vine that ate the South” and “Green monster”, and was also listed as one of the “World’s 100 Worst Invasive Alien Species”.
しかし、クズの生命力と繁殖力が災いし、その後、「kudzu」は「Vine that ate the South(南部を食べてしまったツル)」とか「green monster」と言われる様になり、「世界の侵略的外来種ワースト100」にも指定される様にもなりました。