村雨(Murasame) is a general term for autumn rain that stops immediately after heavy rain. It means “flocked rain” and is also written as “群雨” or ” 叢雨”. 驟雨(Shuuu; flocked rain), 白雨(Hakuu; white rain), and 繁雨(Shibaame; heavy rain) are all Murasame. There are many beautiful names for such rain in Japan. From the end of summer to the beginning of autumn, on days when the temperature and dryness continue, the rain lily grows the flower stalks and blooms when the bulbs are moistened. Early ones came to Japan in the Edo period, and have been popular for a long time under the names of Safuranmodoki(pink rain lily) and Tamasudare(autumn zephyrlily). One flower withers in 2 to 3 days, but it is a cute flower that blooms many times during the off-season.